Automotive expert program
Automotive expert program

automotive expert program

The course explains essentials of lean manufacturing and quality management systems with a focus on efficient workplaces, high-performance production and knowledge management, other key aspects of quality assurance (QA) in the high-tech companies. This knowledge and know-how are an essential competence, which all high or higher school graduates should have irrespective of their major discipline.Ģ/1 Lean production and quality management in the automotive industry The course covers essential skills and explains modern enterprise development principles based on the choice of the optimal models for promoting a commercial product generated by the innovation company. This omnipresent competence includes both digital production skills and operational interaction with employees, contractors and customers of the company in the digital format. The course explains processes of an innovative product development and its commercialization in the domestic and international markets.Ĭommercialization of new technological products includes both the development of a high-tech company itself and optimal promotion models for its commercial products.Ĭurrently both product development and its marketing are governed by the rules and tools of digital communication. This basic knowledge will provide a good start for a management career oriented on producing added values in any high-tech company, auto industry included. The learners will get a good insight into the working concepts and practices for managing technological innovations at an R&D-intensive company. The proposed approach interprets engineering innovations primarily as the integration of production management technologies and its resources. They serve as indicators of the digital transformation and digital maturity of a company. An integral aspect of the high-tech production is the technological modernization cycles, which include practical IT updates (innovation projects). Management of technological innovations is explained as the integrated management of information, financial, production resources and human capital. Graduates can enjoy careers in many areas of the automotive technology field, including service technicians, technical training, management and others.1/1 Theory and practice of innovation management Diagnostics are emphasized in all courses and are taught to ASE/NATEF standards, allowing students the opportunity to become ASE certified.


Students learn electronics, engine repair, brakes, air conditioning, steering and suspension, manual and automatic transmissions, and advanced technology and hybrid vehicles. We focus on ensuring our graduates can perform on the job through the extensive use of hands-on training with modern vehicles, diagnostic and repair equipment and all the tools needed for students to perfect their knowledge and skills in each class.

automotive expert program

Students learn to diagnose and repair all areas of the automobile. The Automotive Technology Program prepares students for employment in the automotive repair industry. Industry, Manufacturing, Construction, and Transportation.

Automotive expert program